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A pathway to restored health

Bridge Creek Gardens, Maleny

I love being in the hills and creek valleys, as I am when in Maleny and at my new home in the Dandenongs. But being overloaded with work and experiencing stress, anxiety and overwhelm wreaked havoc on my health until I stepped into a naturopath's office several years ago and discovered bioresonance therapy.

An unwinding of the disease-causing patterns in my mind and body began. This was complemented by a visit to an Ayurvedic practitioner, who also works with nutrition. My body was not metabolising and absorbing nutrients properly from the years of poor lifestyle choices I had made while following my missions. There was correctional work to do!

Ayurveda is wonderful in that its goal is consciousness! It is an ancient Indian wisdom, one of the vedas, and involves meditative practices, herbal nutrition, hydration, yoga and physical exercise to work on mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development. What a blessing!

I have been following my new program for a year now, and while the symptoms I was experiencing have been dropping away, my progress has been reflected in my personal bioresonance therapy results. Remarkably, the periods where I have lapsed in my Ayurvedic regime were also shown! If ever I had doubted the Bioresonance technology (which I hadn't!), the evidence of its accuracy was very much shown in my own unintentional experimentation. Likewise, time and time again, my clients marvel at its accuracy in detecting their conditions as well.

One thing I have learned in the process of restoring health is the importance of the mind. Healthy thought patterns and belief systems allow us to remain firm in healthy lifestyle practices. Similarly, if we are going through stressful times or emotional upheavals, it is so very much harder to take care of ourselves. The thoughts begin to deteriorate, and every tool we use to keep ourselves balanced, including our eating and exercise patterns, falls away. For this reason I'm very interested in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (more on this later!). It's essential that we keep our minds in check, whether by yoga and meditation, walking in natural places, or by whatever other means we choose - and that we dedicate time for this on a daily basis.

Balancing ourselves works best when it is a moment by moment dedication. This is very challenging - I see it as a lifetime of learning. And, it only succeeds when it is driven by love. My favourite words these days are compassion, love, peace and joy. We can develop each of these, and that begins with the self. Compassion will sweep away guilt, and we cannot feel compassion for others if we do not recognise our own hidden guilt feelings and allow them to dissolve through attention. Love then follows easily, as do peace and joy in succession.

May we all experience compassion, love, peace and joy every day! Namaste!

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